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Red Dead Redemption 2 players discover vital feature after 'embarrassingly long time'



Staff member

Nothing brings a community together quite like admitting your mistakes. Even more so when said mistakes are incredibly embarrassing.

Despite the fact that games like Red Dead Redemption 2 are designed to take multiple playthroughs for you to find all of its hidden gems, knowing that doesn't make missing these secrets any easier.

First, we learnt we were dealing with bears all wrong, and then, as if that wasn't bad enough, we've recently discovered we've been fishing wrong too.

And now we've found out about a feature that's nothing short of vital for any respectable cowboy.

Did you know you can reverse wagons?

Apparently, not everyone did, and it's led to some embarrassing admissions.

"I didn't know you could reverse wagons for an embarrassingly long time. I'd steal a wagon for a fence, crash it into a tree, and then run off thinking I'd lost any potential payout," revealed Redditor @intoner1.

This comes from the same person who started the thread, in which they admitted they didn't know they could fast travel until several chapters down the line.

We bet they wish they'd known about this fast travel trick a lot sooner...

Similar to Bethesda's Skyrim, Rockstar Games' RDR2 is filled with no end of subtle features that we often overlook. Typically, because we're busy trying to win at duels or wrangle some bandits.

Alas, poor Arthur deserves better gamers than us.

But at least we now have the right tools to do our next playthrough justice.

For those who don't know how to reverse your wagon, the OP kindly linked to another thread in which the controls – at least for a controller – are given.

"Hold down RB/R1 to stop horses/wagons when moving, and hold down RB/R1 to reverse while stationary," are the simple instructions you need to follow.

Whether you'll successful reverse without causing carnage is another matter entirely.

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