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Homebrew SNES Online - Mod Discussion



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024

Hi everyone :)

I thought it's good to start a new thread to talk and share about modding SNES Online to get additional roms working.
I already love it to mod the NES Online, now I can't await it to go on with SNES Online.
First it has looked almost equal. Same folders, same structure, again same files lclassics.titlesdb + xtx.z.

I tried out some steps but it's not working even if I copy a given rom and rename folder and files.
The SNES roms are sfrom files. This file type is already known by the SNES Mini and others for use with the canoe emu.
But the given sfrom files work fine with SNES9x emu.

I already got this great info by DarkAkuma 🙇 :
Hello! I came across this thread while researching the switch tools I'd need to peek at the snes files so I can confirm some Preset ID's/check for VC patches.

I can say right now that the Switch .sfrom format is different from the SNESClassic/WiiU, or even 3DS. The switch .sfroms work with snes9x simply because they are the normal .sfc rom with some footer data tacted onto the end.

That said, while I'm not sure about the .sfromsig file blocking anything, I can surmise that if you aren't putting a footer at the end of the rom yourself, it likely wont work either. I'll be looking into understanding this footer format over the coming days. For now, you may want to just try copying the footer from a similarly sized game for any injection attempts. Bytes #5 and 6 are the preset it bytes, if you want to manually change them.

I edited the lclassics.titlesdb and added a line therefore in string.lng.
The prog starts and the new roms appears. Even the new cover appears (converted with NES ONLINE Game Injector MOD).

cover added.jpg

But neither the roms works (nothing happens pressing A) nor the detail screen (after pressing X nothing goes in the menu anymore)

That's very disappointing. I hope someone else gets it work the next days.

So, let's share our findings here and discuss about the progress. :D

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