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Steam Tetrisweeper Is What Would Happen If Tetris And Minesweeper Had A Baby



Staff member

Tetris and Minesweeper must rank as two of the most-played video games in the world in terms of the sheer number of hours invested in them, so the idea of fusion them together strikes us as a pretty interesting one.

That's precisely what developer Kertis Jones has done with Tetrisweeper, "an addictive and mind-bending fusion of two classic puzzle games, offering a refreshing twist that challenges your strategic thinking and reflexes in a seamless blend of block stacking and mine sweeping."

You can view the game in action below, and you can play it on itch.io right now.

Here's the game's description:

Can't decide whether to play Minesweeper or Tetris? Why not play both
Tetrisweeper is an addictive and mind-bending fusion of two classic puzzle games, offering a refreshing twist that challenges your strategic thinking and reflexes in a seamless blend of block stacking and mine sweeping.
You may be wondering how this horrifying amalgamation could possibly work, but it's actually very simple! Tetrominos, which are geometric shapes made of four tiles, drop one-by-one from the top of the board. Each of these tiles acts like a Minesweeper square, with hidden mines you'll have to locate. Completely fill a row and correctly flag or reveal each tile to clear it! Let the tower reach the top or click on a mine, and that's game over.
What looks like an impossible challenge is actually a surprisingly intuitive mash-up like nothing you've ever played before! Well... maybe a little bit like something you've played before.
Solve a dynamic Minesweeper puzzle that grows and changes as you play! The fun never ends as you build your own Minesweeper board with strategically placed tetrominos. With quick thinking and careful planning, you can build the board so that you'll never be forced into a random guess again! If you're finding it hard to keep pace with the falling blocks, skilled block-placement can summon cleansed and mine-free tetrominos to help you catch up.

Jones says a Steam release is happening soon. The real question is, will that title remain intact once The Tetris Company notices? We sure hope so because this is one seriously cool (and left-field) take on two genre classics.


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