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News Xbox rolls out massive June update packed with new features



Staff member

Xbox systems have received a new update that adds a ton of new features, and support for elements that users have been asking for since the console was initially released.

The update adds mouse and keyboard support for Cloud Gaming for all players, after a recent test last month, making cloud gaming even more of an appealing prospect. Xbox Adaptive Controllers have also received an update, giving them additional functionality.

"Starting today, we're rolling out a firmware update for your Xbox controllers. If you use the Xbox Adaptive Controller, you'll have expanded support for more connected USB accessories. This update will better support full functionality of some accessibility peripherals. Each port now supports up to 12 buttons, a second stick, and a hat switch," the blog post states in regards to added console functionality.

Smaller updates include the ability to remember up to 10 different wireless networks and switch between them without having to retype passwords (those who travel a lot with their console will know how much of a pain this can become, and how annoying it can be to sit down after a long day just to discover you're not connected), and the ability to personalize the home background screen even more by messing with the dynamic background and rotating art options. There's also a series of experiments that the console is undergoing, with select players having access to them.

"We're always experimenting and looking for ways to make your console experience even better. This month, you may notice updates such as the ability to find people using console search, updates to the Game Pass page layout and style, and additional information to search card results and flashcard store buttons. As we roll out these experiments, a random subset of players will be able to give them a try," reads the post.

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