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ROM Hack 3DS Video BETA



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
3DS Video v1.00

NOTE: This software has been discontinued. Downloads still available at bottom of post, but it is no longer updated.​

This is a quick little GUI tool I threw together to convert videos for 3DS, based on the findings by spinal_cord posted here: http://www.socoder.n...php?blogs=29000

This program can convert virtually any video to the format required for 3DS. It can convert both 3D and 2D videos (3D videos in either top-bottom or side-by-side formats).




Source Video - Choose the video you want to convert
Video Folder - Folder to place converted video in (e.g. 3DS video folder)
Format - Type of 3D video, or 2D video
Quality - Quality (31 is lowest, 1 is max)
Advanced... - Show advanced options (replace Quality with Bitrate & FPS)
Bitrate - Bitrate of converted video
FPS - FPS of converted video


32-bit FFmpeg is included. Feel free to replace with 64-bit version from here: http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ (shouldn't affect program, but should probably make conversion a bit faster on 64-bit CPUs)

I think I have included all the necessary licenses etc (and possibly a bunch of extras to prevent the risk of not supplying all necessary ones) - if you notice anything missing, let me know so I can add it.

WARNING: The output folder cannot have spaces anywhere in the path (e.g. "C:\Documents and Settings\Username\3DS Videos" or "C:\3D Videos") or it will not work. [there is now an error given if you choose a path with a space in it] Ideally, plug in your SD card and choose the folder on it containing any photos/videos taken with the 3DS camera as the output folder, and then you won't have to manually copy any files.

Features that may get added
  • Mirrored input added
  • Remembering video folder location added
  • Direct YouTube downloading (?)
  • GUI rewrite by amzg
  • Mirrored input option fixed by amzg
  • Progress bars added by BelowZero and amzg
  • New error if destination folder has spaces
  • GUI is disabled while converting
  • Added mirrored input option
  • Added option for 480x240 resolution (default is still 400x240)
  • More bug fixes (thanks to amzg, xxNathanxx and Guy.brush)
  • Remembers video folder
  • Source tidied up a bit
  • Fix splitting 3D video (thanks to Stylpe)
  • Fixing (some of) the bugs of v0.2
  • Added auto-splitting of files
  • Added "Advanced..." options
  • Fixed bugs of v0.1
  • Initial release

  • spinal - figuring out the conversion
  • amzg - fixing several bugs, GUI rewrite, working on progress bars
  • BelowZero - getting progress bars working
  • Styple - fixing bugs
  • xxNathanxx - suggesting bug fix
  • Guy.brush - suggesting bug fix
  • Everyone behind FFMPEG and AutoHotKey for making great and easy to use tools
  • You, for testing and possibly putting up with broken versions
:download: : [FileTrip] - Source included
Use the "unofficial" version below, it's just better.

"Unofficial" version

Between the users amzg and BelowZero, v1.10 v1.32 has been created : [Download Here]
This release has improved progress bars and an added "Keep Aspect Ratio" option. These features will most likely be merged into the next "official" release if there is one. This build is the one to use, and all credit goes to amzg for "Keep Aspect Ratio" and to BelowZero for the improved progress bars.
Some people have reported issues with this version. If you cannot get working videos with it, try v1.0 above. However, it is probably your fault if it is not working, not the fault of the program, and so v1.00 probably won't make a difference

Create your own Wii banners & custom channels : Click Here
Convert videos for the 3DS : Click Here

Sign up to Dropbox for 2.25 GB free storage : http://db.tt/OrdIGv6 (250 MB extra free using this link)

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