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Hacking Beginner's guide: launch hacks, game backups and homebrews on WiiU & vWii



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024

Sorry for this thread if it's redundant but it seemed useful to me.

I'm a beginner in WiiU hacking, I've read all the sticky topics (and many non sticky ones) here and on other sites, and I'd like to summarize all the information we have today about hacking Wiiu and vWii and playing Gamecube, Wii and WiiU games and homebrews.

With your help, this thread could become a simple guide for new people arriving on this forum and wondering (like me) what they have to do and in which order. (which is generally not very clear on the other threads)

So please correct me if I say something wrong and complete me if I forgot something :)

last update: 18 january 2016

- Latest WiiU firmware : 5.5.1
- Latest safe WiiU firmware version: 5.3.2.
- Some WiiU backups can be played on firmwares 5.3.2 and lower, using Loadiine.
- IOSU is being developed for firmwares 5.5.1 and lower.
- Stay on 5.3.2 if you want to use current exploits.
- Stay on 5.4.0 if you want to use mp4 exploits with loadiine GX2 (not all homebrew ported yet).
- Stay on 5.5.1 if you want to play retail games online while you wait for Hykem's exploit.
- Don't update if you want to use current of future exploits.
- Latest HackMii version: 1.2
- Latest d2x cIOS: d2x-v10-beta53-alt-vWii / d2x-v10-beta52-vWii
- Latest d2x cIOS installer: FIX94s d2x cIOS Installer 2.2 mod

1) Installing WiiU updates

- Latest online update is now 5.5.1 and is not safe for WiiU hacking. If you want to update to the latest exploitable version you will need to update using a game disc : Mario party 10 or Splatoon.
- Do not allow standby, Do not use Quick start menu without a network filter as it will silently update and install the latest version.
- You can block all online updates (and eshop access) by blocking Nintendo's update servers by configuring your WiiU or your network, or by completely disabling the WiiU's internet configuration.

Domains to block to prevent future updates:
  • nus.c.shop.nintendowifi.net
  • nus.cdn.c.shop.nintendowifi.net
  • nus.cdn.shop.wii.com
  • nus.cdn.wup.shop.nintendo.net
  • nus.wup.shop.nintendo.net
More info about how to block updates here (see section "3.")

2) Hacking the WiiU to play WiiU game backups, WiiU eShop titles and homebrews

- See https://gbatemp.net/threads/the-definitive-guide-to-wii-u-hacking.396828/

3) Hacking the vWii to play Wii game backups, WiiWare titles and homebrews

- This is possible!
- You'll need a SD card (less or equal than 2GB) + an external USB Hard Disk (with double-USB power or external power (optional) + one of these Wii games:

  • LEGO Batman
  • Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
  • LEGO Indiana Jones
  • LEGO Star Wars
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Wheelie Breakers
- Follow a guide explaining how to install Homebrew Channel on vWii (not Wii!) using HackMii, like this one or this one (in french).

- Follow a guide explaining how to backup your unique vWii "NAND" and "keys" (backing up your NAND and keys is useful to restore your configuration in case of error), like this one.

- Follow a guide explaining how to install the latest "d2x cIOS" (installing a cIOS is mandatory to install backup launchers), like this one or this one (in french).

- Follow a guide explaining how to install a backup launcher like WiiFlow or USB Loader GX, like this one or this one (in french).

- Install your Wii games ("ISOs") on your SD card / USB hard drive.

- Optional: Follow a guide to install a channel forwarder (to avoid launching the homebrew channel every time), like this one or this one (in french).

- Enjoy!

4) Playing Gamecube game backups and homebrews

- Hack the vWii and install Homebrew Channel. (cIOS is not necessary)

- Install Nintendont on your vWii

- Install your games on a SD card / USB hard drive (respect the files names and paths asked on the page above)

- Enjoy!


- Please read the sticky topics, especially basic do's and do not's to avoid serious damages!

- It's okay to install the "cIOS" mentioned above. On the other hand, you should avoid patching the vWii "IOS" unless you know what you're doing, (and if you do it, don't patch an IOS lower than 80). IOS 236 seems to be made to help recover from a bad operation.

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