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News Bungie Employees Start Posting About Moving To PlayStation On LinkedIn



Staff member

Bungie employees have started posting on LinkedIn about moving from Bungie to join PlayStation Studios. This includes Bridget O'Neill, who is taking on a new role as Senior Director of Creative at PlayStation Studios.

According to the reports, Bungie's creative leadership team is joining PlayStation Studios to "build the foundation for a creative team that can support all PlayStation live service games." This appears to be part of Sony's efforts to leverage Bungie's expertise in live service game development to help other PlayStation Studios teams.

The posts indicate that around 155 Bungie employees are moving over to PlayStation as part of this transition, while Bungie will retain 850 employees and unfortunately have to lay off 220 others. This follows Bungie's announcement earlier this year that they would have to reduce their workforce by about a third.

Overall, this seems to be an important strategic move by Sony to more closely integrate Bungie's talent and experience into PlayStation's broader game development efforts, especially around live service titles. The Bungie employees appear excited about the opportunity to share their expertise with other PlayStation Studios teams.


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