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Mod "Doom 64: Unseen Evil" recreates the entirety of Doom & Doom II in Doom 64's atmosphere



Staff member

Doom 64 has surely being one of the most underrated games from the Doom franchise, and its setting, atmosphere, cacophonies and overall foreboding and dreaded tone is one thing that sets this title apart from all the others.

One point of interest from the original Doom 64 was that it recreated a lot of the original Doom and Doom II enemies in entirely new assets, be it the Imp, the Pinky or the nightmare-fuel that is the redesign of the Pain Elemental in this iteration. However, not all the monsters from the originals made the transition to the N64 game, as the Revenant, the Chaingunner, the Arch-vile and the Spider Mastermind sadly got axed.

But as always, you can expect the fandom to act upon it, much more so given how Doom is by far one of the most modded games, if not the most modded games, of all time.

DrPyspy has recently released a brand new mod for Doom & Doom II using the GZDoom engine to recreate both games in Doom 64 assets and behaviours, be it the weapons (adding the Unmaker too), the enemy design and behaviours, SFX and music (based on the PSX tracklist), and even an entirely new difficulty setting to bring the harder enemy placement from the PSX version into the original games.

DrPyspy said:
Doom 64: Unseen Evil is a mod for GZDoom that brings the atmosphere of Doom 64 to the worlds of Doom and Doom II. Everything is entirely overhauled: from the player and their weapons, to the halls and the demons that stalk them.

All of the demons that were absent from the original Doom 64 have finally emerged from the deepest pits of hell, including the unsettling Revenant and the sinister Arch-vile. If you're looking for a new challenge, the exclusive Redemption Denied difficulty will bring some of the crueler monster placements from PSX Doom into the vanilla Doom maps.

Proceed with caution; there are many evils yet unseen.

The changes include the following:
  • The full Doom 64 arsenal at your disposal, including the Unmaker
  • All monster behaviors from Doom 64 recreated as faithfully as possible
  • Missing monsters reimagined in the Doom 64 style: the Chaingunner, the Revenant, the Arch-vile, and the Spider Mastermind
  • Quality of life improvements, including new sounds, new weapon animations, and customizable settings
  • The Terraformer: a powerful system that comprehensively transforms any Doom/Doom II level into a Doom 64-style level
  • Redemption Denied: an exclusive difficulty level that implements monster spawns from PSX Doom (and other surprises) into the vanilla Doom levels
Those interested can visit PySpy's Neocities webpage for Doom 64: Unseen Evil (D64UE) to try out and experience the original games in a whole new ominous and dreaded setting that only Doom 64 brought to the franchise.

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