Tokyo Clanpool is set in near-future Tokyo. The government has collapsed after a tower appeared, stretching for a mysterious city in the sky and connecting it with the National Diet Building. As newly-inaugurated Prime Minister Natsume Kannuki, lead the Diet Dolls into battle against monsters threatening the people of Japan.
Head deeper and deeper into the tower with a party of heroines, countering the threat and learning the truth of its origin. Customize character skills and abilities while navigating the maze-like corridors by equipping Digiskins. Alter the structure of the dungeons by breaking walls, floating, and digging tunnels using ether-based powers. The turn-based combat is described as fast and strategic.
It's not all slaughtering monsters, though: as Prime Minister, keep an eye on your approval ratings. Favorable actions can earn valuable bonuses but if your rating falls too low, the entire cabinet will resign.
Here is Tokyo Clanpool's opening movie:
Physical standard and Limited Editions of Tokyo Clanpool for Nintendo Switch will be available through Playasia, with pre-orders opening July 4 at 11 p.m. Hong Kong time. There are 3,000 Limited Editions being produced, each including the game, a manual, a CD soundtrack, an art book, a sticker sheet, a poster, a numbered certificate, and a collector's box.
Originally developed by Compile Heart, Tokyo Clanpool will be released for PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch in English and Traditional Chinese sometime later this year.