
This guide will show you how to edit Pokémon in Pokémon Rumble Blast (Super Pokémon Rumble) using Citra and a memory editor. My memory editor of choice is Squalr and this is what I will be using for this guide, however if you have another one that you prefer the process will be pretty much the same. You can even use CitraMMJ on Android as it has memory search and edit functionality.

If you are already familiar with memory editing you can probably skip over most of this guide. Simply use the offsets from the current HP in combination with lists attached to edit Pokémon.


Lets get started! First open up Citra and load up Pokémon Rumble Blast, then open up Squalr. First attach to Citra by clicking the button circled with green in the screenshot below. Select "citra-qt" from the list of processes. Next lets create a new project by clicking the button circled in blue below.


Click the new project button circled in blue below. Give your project a name and click accept.


Now we are ready to start editing. To find data for a particular Pokémon in memory we want to start by choosing a value we can see and manipulate in game, in the case of this game we quite obviously should choose the Pokémon's current HP as we can easily see it, and easily change it by taking damage. So switch out the Pokémon you wish to edit then start a search in Sqaulr for it's current HP value. Type it's current HP into the box circled in blue below and click the play button next to it. (You can keep the default scan settings). This will likely find a few hundred values.To narrow the list down go and take some damage, then type the new HP value into the circled box and click the play button. This should narrow the list down to 1 or 2 values (If there are more simply repeat this step until there
are only 1 or 2, take damage then search for new value). If you only have 1 value then this is the value you want. If you have 2 then 1 of them will be the HP value of the Pokémon currently selected on the switch menu. Move up and down the switch menu and you will notice one of the values changes to match the current HP of the Pokémon selected on the menu, you want the value that does NOT change as you navigate the menu. When you have identified the value that represents the HP of the active Pokémon double click it to add it to your project.


Now it's time for the fun part!

Select our newly found address in the project explorer in Squalr, then we need to edit the address to point to the value we wish to change. To get to the desired locations we will need to subtract from this value, the amount depends on what you wish to edit. The offsets are as follows:

Trait: Subtract 0x18
Moves: Subtract 0x20
Species: Subtract 0x24

Please note that the address and these values are in hexadecimal, the math is easy but if you get stuck use a hexadecimal calculator for help. With the address selected in the project explorer turn your attention to the property viewer. Go to the module offset, circled in blue below:


Now edit this value to point the property you wish to edit. For example in my screenshot the address is: 0000017987108788 so if I wanted to edit the species I would change this value to: 0000017987108764 (0x0000017987108788 - 0x24 = 0x0000017987108764). When you click outside the box you will notice the value change in the property explorer.

To edit the actual value being pointed to simply double click it in the project explorer, and the value editor will be shown. All values provided in the lists below are in hexadecimal so we must right click the value editor's textbox and select hexadecimal. For species and trait simply paste the desired value into the box and click accept (You will need to switch out a different Pokémon and switch back for changes to take effect). For moves you must set both moves at the same time, again set the value editor input to hexadecimal. First paste in the B move then the A move. For example if I wanted the B move to be "B No Type Dark Rust Blast (02d1)" and the A move to be "Z Iron Tail (02a5)", I would enter 02d102a5 into the value editor and click accept.

You don't have to use Squalr, the process is exactly the same regardless of how you search and edit memory. The basic steps are simply:

1: Identify the current HP address of the pokemon you wish to edit
2: Subtract the desired offset from this address depending on what you wish to edit
3: Paste in the value(s) from one of the attached lists

Please note there may be a couple of typos in the lists, and the names of some of the forms are definitely wrong. Also I haven't tried out all the unused moves and Pokemon to find out what they do, I haven't played this game (or much Pokemon at all in recent years). Really this was a project for my son but seeing as I couldn't really find any info on how to do this for this game I thought I would make a guide. With the species list you will notice some values after Dark Rust, for some their names were in Japanese and they were just an un-textured model so I had no idea what to call them, some of them were 'turrets' as my son called them. With Citra on the PC these would cause an exception whenever the switch menu was opened however if you click to continue running and then close the switch menu in game it seems you can continue playing. The un-textured Pokemon couldn't move but the turrets could.