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Homebrew Final Fight MD: Restoring Cut Content from SNES Version



Final Fight, originally an arcade beat 'em up game released by Capcom in 1989, has seen various ports to home consoles over the years. The Super Nintendo (SNES) version, while popular, was notorious for having content removed due to hardware limitations.

The Missing Level

One of the most significant cuts in the SNES version was the removal of an entire level:

  • The Industrial Area stage was completely absent from the SNES port
  • This level was present in the original arcade version

Final Fight MD: A More Complete Port

Final Fight MD, a fan-made port for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, aims to provide a more authentic arcade experience:

  1. Restored Content: The previously removed Industrial Area stage will be included
  2. Full Character Roster: Unlike the SNES version, which removed Guy as a playable character, Final Fight MD will feature all three original playable characters
  3. Two-Player Mode: The SNES port lacked the two-player cooperative mode, which Final Fight MD plans to restore

Development Status

  • The project is being developed by Mauro Xavier and a team known as "CFX"
  • It's currently a work in progress, with periodic updates and demos released
  • The developers are aiming for a clean-room implementation, building the game from scratch without using original source code

Community Reception

The Final Fight MD project has been well-received by the Sega Genesis homebrew community, with many praising the effort to create a more complete version of the game on 16-bit hardware.

Looking Forward

While the project is still in development, the inclusion of previously cut content makes Final Fight MD an exciting prospect for fans of the original arcade game and Sega Genesis enthusiasts alike.


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