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RELEASE Homebrew JKSV (save manager) for Switch



Staff member
This started out as a straight port of my 3DS save manager to test a basic graphics drawing file and go through libnx a bit. I've been pretty much sitting on it for the last 3 months and decided to just get this over with. No, I don't care there are others.

JKSV for Switch has two modes. One uses user and game icons and a text menu only mode. These can be switched by pressing X on the user select screen.

There is an input guide in the bottom right corner for everything, with four exceptions:
1. Pressing all 4 shoulder buttons will disable filtering and enable you to dump system save data that is able to be opened. You can't write anything back to it though.
2. Holding L or R while selecting new for an output folder will auto-name it with the date retrieved from the system
3. The keyboard can be controlled with a controller:
  • Y is backspace
  • B is cancel
  • Start is finished.
4. Adv Mode:
Adv. Mode is a basic file browser to move files and folders to and from saves if needed. It can copy any folder or file on your SD to save data and vice versa.
  • Up, down, left, and right control the menus
  • A opens a dir, B goes back up a dir
  • ZL and ZR change which menu is being controlled.
  • X will make a small menu pop-up with options

The keyboard has the characters ':' and '/'. No, you can't use them to name files. They are there so I can redirect paths without rebuilding the whole thing.

If there is any more explanation needed, don't be afraid to ask. I'm so used to using and testing it, I'm sure I forgot something.


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