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Hacking Making Amiibo NTAG215s



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Hello all,
I've decided to make a nice tutorial for creating Amiibo NTAG215s.

You will need:
  • An Android phone with NFC support; most do have it.
  • NTAG215s (Development Website for Ninty sells them at $0.30/tag, Aliexpress for a bit more)
  • Amiitool (see below)
  • Amiibo retail keys (see below)

I have updated this section as of 09 November 2016
You still need TagMo (see https://github.com/HiddenRambler/TagMo/releases/latest) and the NFC key (see my Pastebin 😉) but then just load in the key, and then get some tag dumps: As I cant say the exact name (it is copyrighted contents, even though they're only 540B), so you need to search for "NFC" and then the word that has the definition of "the land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake."

Just load everything, and ensure you press (Auto)

Want the slightly-out-of-date but still relevant copy? Here you go:
Thanks to @HiddenRambler updating TagMo to use the keys and amiitool inside of it, this is really simple now. You simply need the amiibo key (Google for it, you'll find it on pastebin ;) ), split it in half, and TagMo 2, then load up the 2 keys, then the BIN files.

TagMo 2: https://gbatemp.net/attachments/tagmo-zip.37286/

If you want to do it the old way that requires a PC and all the relevant stuff:
You will need:
  • An Android phone with NFC support (many phones support it, most notably the Samsung and Nexus models)
  • A dumped amiibo (Use the amiiqo app to dump, or google for Amiibo BINs).
  • NTAG215 tags (one per amiibo - you cannot edit once made)
  • @javiMaD 's edited amiitool (https://github.com/javimadgit/amiitool) - Linux only AFAIK, this needs C development libraries, cmake, and libssl-dev.
  • An internet connection.
  • TagMo (https://gbatemp.net/attachments/tagmo-zip.37286/)
  • A hex editor (I suggest HxD)

First, install TagMo, Amiiqo (if you need to dump your amiibo), and HxD (use Bless if on linux), then start compiling Amiitool.
Next, dump your amiibo, and copy onto your machine. Use the web API for decrypting it, which is at https://www.socram.ovh/amiibo/ (operation must be decrypt, file must be the BIN). Then, open it in your hex editor. This is where you need to find out the 7byte UID of your NFC tag, using NFC TagInfo. Once that is done, go to http://dynamoreason.com/res/g/amiibo/uid/ and place it in the box with NO SPACES. You will get a 9 byte UID - place the first 8 bytes in 0x1D4, and the 9th in 0x00 (like the screenshots):

(Yes I blurred out the amiibo, it IS copyrighted you know)

Save this, then use JaviMaD's amiitool to encrypt, with the command './amiitool -k KEYS.bin -e -i filename.bin -o filename-enc.bin', where KEYS.bin is the unfixed info then locked secrets joined together (SHA1: bbdbb49a917d14f7a997d327ba40d40c39e606ce) and filename.bin is the decrypted hex file we just made. Once encrypted, copy over to your phone, turn on NFC and start TagMo. Once this is done, use the action menu and select 'Load tag from file', select the file, then 'Write tag' and place the tag near the NFC adapter in your phone (don't move it until it says done!!!). Once done, you now have an amiibo!

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