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News OG Xbox Creator Recalls 'Extraordinary' Story About The Launch That Left Him In Tears



Staff member

The story of the original Xbox's creation is an intriguing one, with its creator Seamus Blackley being a multifaceted individual beyond just his work on the console.

Blackley was one of the key figures behind the development of the original Xbox at Microsoft in the late 1990s and early 2000s. However, he is not just a gaming innovator - Blackley is also an Egyptologist and an avid baker. In fact, he has even baked sourdough bread using yeast extracted from 4,500-year-old Egyptian pottery, demonstrating his diverse interests and talents.

The similarity between the Xbox logo and the X-shaped cuts on sourdough bread is often noted, but it is actually just a coincidence. The Xbox logo was derived from the "DirectX Box" name, rather than being inspired by bread. Blackley himself has poked fun at this comparison, noting the irony.

There was an emotional moment that brought him to tears, as transcribed below:

"We got to the station at Odaiba, and this was before the launch of the Xbox. It's been this project that we've just sort of got running with sheer gumption, and we've quit our jobs, and we thought we were going to be fired - I used to drive home crying because it was so stressful."
"We get out of the train, and somebody had papered the entire train station in Xbox logos. Like, the Japan team had done this. And I lost it, I collapsed, I fell down on my knees and I was crying because I couldn't believe [it]. This idea we had [building a games console], it was just us talking about it, and now here it is in Japan at the games conference and the logo was everywhere. And it was the most extraordinary feeling. Is this real? Is this going to happen now? Wow! Wow!"

Blackley is also known for his outspoken and unfiltered nature, which has sometimes landed him in hot water. He has been quoted making controversial comments, such as comparing the hobby of video gaming to masturbation, stating "Everybody does it. Nobody wants to talk about it." This lack of filter has earned him a reputation as a bold and unconventional figure in the gaming industry.

Overall, the story of the original Xbox's creation is not just about the technical achievements, but also the fascinating personality of its creator, Seamus Blackley, who has proven to be a multifaceted individual with diverse interests and a penchant for speaking his mind.


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