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Stardew Valley just answered the game's biggest mystery after 8 years



Staff member

A mystery that has been bugging Stardew Valley fans for over eight years has finally been answered by a new cookbook for the game, and it's a surprising answer.

Pierre shuts his store every Wednesday in game, and fans have been wondering exactly why he does that. One prevailing theory is that JojaMart, the previous employer of your player character in the game, is forcing Pierre out of business due to being a bigger more corporate outlet, and you using JojaMart is leading to Pierre being forced to close on Wednesdays. As it turns out, this isn't actually true in the slightest, with the real reason that Pierre shuts his store every Wednesday being much more light-hearted and comedic.

"Want to know the real reason we're closed on Wednesdays? I need my fish tacos once a week, but Pierre thinks the smell of fish would be bad for business!," the cookbook states.

It's a humorous way to confirm the real reason behind the closure, while also quashing several popular fan theories that have cropped up since the game was first released almost a decade ago.

A fan recently found a way to make it so that multiple different villagers moved in with them on their Stardew Valley save, and managed to do it without using any mods whatsoever. To achieve this, the player used a multiplayer save file so that each player could have their own house and their own set of villagers living with them, but it's currently unclear whether or not they actually played this game with friends or if they just did the multiplayer save file on their own in order to achieve their goals.

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