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Homebrew This new video shows the fan-made 'Mega Castlevania IV' project in action


We've got new footage from the Genesis / Mega Drive port of Super Castlevania IV.

In an exciting update shared on Twitter, user @Genesis8141 assures fans that "The project is not dead." This intriguing announcement pertains to a highly anticipated endeavor known as "Mega Castlevania IV." The development team behind this ambitious project includes talented creators @GameDevBoss and @Retro_Reloaded101. Their goal is to breathe new life into the beloved Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) classic by reimagining it for Sega hardware.

This innovative approach not only pays homage to the original game but also aims to leverage the unique capabilities of Sega's technology. Fans of the franchise can look forward to experiencing familiar gameplay elements and iconic visuals, all while enjoying the enhancements that modern development tools can provide. Stay tuned for more updates from the team as they work to bring this nostalgic adventure to a new platform!

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