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Homebrew [WIP] PHBank - Pokémon Homebrew Bank



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Pokémon Homebrew Bank

PHBank is a homebrew which allows to manage a local bank for XY and ORAS Pokémon games, just like the Pokébank, but as a free offline service.
This homebrew is not intended to cheat (not even cloning). It's just a storage solution.

The source code is available under the GPLv3 license on github, and the resources are available on github too.

What this Homebrew can do:
  • Work on o3ds and n3ds!
  • Navigate through the PC boxes of a XY/ORAS save and the Bank boxes.
  • Display a more specific resume per Pokémon (like IVs/EVs).
  • Select one Pokémon (with stylus or buttons) and move it to another slot/box.
  • Select some Pokémon (with buttons) and move them to another box.
  • Swap an entire box content to another one (pc <-> bank).
  • Autocomplete the Pokédex when importing Pokémon to a gamesave.
  • Prompt a dialog to save/exit/backup during the homebrew execution.
  • Export/Import the savedata directly to/from the game, without the need of external tools (/main).
  • Load/Save the bankdata to/from the bank, located in the SD card (/pk/bank/bank).

How to install it:
  • Just extract the archive at (to?) the root of your SD card.
  • It must contains:
    • The PHBank files /3ds/PHBank/[PHBankFiles].
    • The cia installer in /cia/PHBank.cia
    • The data files /pk/[DataFiles].

How to import from <= [v1.1.4-beta-a]:
  • Install PHBank normally, see above.
  • Copy the bank file from /pkbank/bank to /pk/bank/bank.
  • You can delete the /pkbank/ folder.


  • DPad/CPad: Move the cursor inbox, change box, change pc/bank.
  • L/R: Change the current box.
  • LZ/RZ: Switch from PC to Bank and vice versa (can be done with Pad and/or stylus too).
  • Touchscreen:
    • Move the cursor inbox.
    • Change the current box.
    • Switch PC/Bank.
    • Drag & Drop Pokémon.
    • Change the selection mode.
  • Start: Open the savexit menu, for exiting or backing up.
  • Select: Switch the selection mode (Single -> Quick -> Multiple).
In Single selection mode (Red):
  • A: Select Pokémon / Move Pokémon if one is already selected.
  • B: Cancel selection.
In Quick selection mdoe (Blue):
  • A: Select Pokémon / Move Pokémon if one is already selected.
  • B: Cancel selection.
  • Y: Swap the current PC box content with the current Bank box content.
In Multiple selection mdoe (Blue):
  • Y: Activate the box selector (TODO: transform it as a button on screen).
Todo List:
  • Wonder box ;)
  • Display more specific information per Pokémon (Tabs for contest/met/etc).
  • Enhance more the GUI.
  • When moving Pokémon with the DPad/A, switch the held Pokémon.

Nota Bene:
  • I only tested this homebrew with Pokémon Alpha Sapphire on a cartridge on a n3ds (9.3+).
  • Not cheat, no kidding.

Screenshots said:






TODO: update screenshots

Thanks to @suloku for all his work on the project.
Thanks to @Kaphotics & @Asia81 (and PKHex's contributors) for the save functions (offset, algorithms) and the data (personal, text).
Thanks to @Slashcash & @Stracker (and PCHex/PCHex++'s contributors) for their help.
Thanks to @Xenosaiga and @ihaveamac for being the cia build.
Thanks to @xerpi (and SF2D/SFTD/SFIL's contributores) for the graphic library.
Thanks to @profi200 and other people on #3dsdev who helped me.
Thanks to @smealum and @yellows8 for the exploits.

Merci !

Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if you lose or corrupt your save by using this homebrew. It mays contain bugs even within the normal intended use. Use it at your own risk.
ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP! (Hold L while launching homebrew or/and use tvds/svdt)

>>> Download link <<<
TODO: Update the changelog

Alpha v0.1:
- Inital αlpha-release.
Alpha v0.3:
- Box transfer.
- Pokédex auto-completion (ORAS).
- Reorder input by Selection mode.
- Icon changed.
Alpha v0.3a:
- Fix with Pokédex A-C.
Alpha v0.3b:
- Fix a problem with the names (FS_Streams).
Alpha v0.3c:
- Maybe a fix for digital games load file.
Beta v1.0:
- Don't wanna list...
Beta v1.0.1:
- Added a GUI, is that enough?
Beta v1.0.2:
- Fixed the previous buggy touchscreen.
- Double tap to select (double mean, tap again while in the slot).
Beta v1.0.3:
- Fixed some issues with save from SD.
- Added a start-key menu.
Beta v1.0.4:
- Implemented Drag&Drop.
Beta v1.0.5 (removed):
- Integrated Filters use & fix.
- More displayed informations.
Beta v1.0.5-a:
- Fix the move filter.
Beta v1.0.6:
- Very basic box selector.
Beta v1.0.6-a:
- Improved the basic box selector DPad controls.
Beta v1.0.6-b:
- Completed the navigation in box selector.
Beta v1.1.0:
- Added a PoC of the top screen display.
Beta v1.1.0-a:
- Speed EV problem fixed.
- Improved some bad changes.
- Eggs are now well displayed.
- Remapped savexit keys, and background color.
- Box count.
Beta v1.1.1:
- Changed an intern structure (viewPkm).
- 1 Byte character support (not very good).
- Updated smdh.
Beta v1.1.2:
- Changed Texture loading.
- Level & stats fixed.
- Better filter functions.
- Names enhanced.
Beta v1.1.3:
- Pokémon sprite icon on top screen.
- Shiny / Kalos born / Pokérus cured icons on top screen.
Beta v1.1.4:
- Fixed nickname display. (@Sukiyami)
- Attacked a small animation to the cursor.
Beta v1.1.4-a
- Some dex modification.
Beta v2.0.1:
- Alot of changes, I'm lazy to write it.

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