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Rumor Xbox's Multiplatform Strategy: Recent Developments



Staff member

Microsoft has recently been exploring bringing some of its Xbox exclusive titles to other platforms, particularly the PlayStation 5 (PS5). This strategy shift has been met with mixed reactions from the gaming community.

Recent Developments

Indiana Jones Announcement

  • Microsoft announced that "Indiana Jones and the Great Circle" would be coming to PS5 shortly after its Xbox/PC release.
  • This announcement was made during Gamescom's Opening Night Live event.
  • The quick turnaround for the PS5 port surprised many in the industry and Xbox community.

Rumored Slowdown of PS5 Ports

According to insider information from eXtas1s:

  1. Microsoft has reportedly "paused" or "slowed down" its plans for bringing more Xbox games to PS5.
  2. This decision is allegedly in response to the reception of the Indiana Jones PS5 announcement.
  3. The multiplatform strategy has not been cancelled entirely, but is being reevaluated.

"Red Lines" for Certain Franchises

  • Halo and Gears of War are reportedly still considered "red lines" by Microsoft.
  • These flagship franchises are unlikely to see PS5 releases in the near future.


  1. Community Reaction: The simultaneous announcement of Indiana Jones for Xbox and PS5 overshadowed other Xbox news, leading to frustration within the Xbox community.
  2. Strategic Reconsideration: Microsoft appears to be reassessing its approach to multiplatform releases, possibly to maintain a stronger sense of platform identity for Xbox.
  3. Timed Exclusivity: Future multiplatform releases may see longer periods of Xbox exclusivity before coming to PS5.
  4. Core Franchises: Microsoft seems committed to keeping certain franchises (like Halo and Gears) exclusive to maintain Xbox's unique value proposition.


While Microsoft is likely to continue exploring multiplatform releases, they may adopt a more cautious approach:

  • Longer exclusivity periods for Xbox before PS5 releases
  • More selective choices for which games go multiplatform
  • Potentially separate announcements for Xbox and PS5 versions to avoid overshadowing Xbox news
It's important to note that this information is based on rumors and insider reports. Microsoft has not officially commented on any changes to its multiplatform strategy as of October 2024.


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