"Showa American Story" is an upcoming RPG that offers a unique and bizarre take on 1980s America, heavily influenced by Japanese culture. Set in an alternate timeline called "Showa 66," the game presents a world where Japan has economically dominated the United States, leading to a fascinating blend of American and Japanese cultures.
Key aspects of this alternate 1980s America include:
1. Japanese Cultural Colonization: Japan has bought out most of the United States with its strong economic power, resulting in a surge of Japanese immigration and cultural influence.
2. Neo Yokohama: Formerly known as Hollywood, this reimagined city showcases the fusion of American and Japanese elements.
3. Post-apocalyptic twist: The game introduces a mysterious catastrophic event that drastically changes the world, adding zombies, monsters, and various survivors to the mix.
4. 80s Nostalgia: The game is described as an "enthusiastic love letter to 80s pop culture," featuring a strong B-movie aesthetic with exaggerated gore, dark humor, and larger-than-life characters.
5. Unique Protagonist: Players control Choko, a teenage girl who mysteriously revives from the dead and embarks on a journey of truth and revenge across this transformed United States.
6. Gameplay elements: The game combines visceral combat, exploration of the post-apocalyptic "Showa America," and RPG elements like character customization and ability upgrades.
7. Cultural Fusion: Players will experience a world where American and Japanese cultures have rapidly amalgamated, creating a unique and never-before-seen setting.
This bizarre version of 1980s America in "Showa American Story" offers players a chance to explore a world that blends familiar American landscapes with Japanese cultural influences, all wrapped in a nostalgic 80s aesthetic and post-apocalyptic adventure.