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Retro Fancy Owning The SNES PlayStation? You Can Now Make Your Own (Kinda)


The story of the SNES PlayStation is so well known now that it has become part of video game folklore. Back in the early '90s, Sony and Nintendo inked a deal that would see the former produce a CD-ROM drive for the SNES, as well as the right to produce its own all-in-one system, dubbed "Play Station" (note the space).

When it became clear to Nintendo that Sony expected to gain cash from each game sold as part of the deal, it unceremoniously dumped the Japanese tech giant at the alter, signing an agreement with Philips instead. Sony created several SNES PlayStation prototypes, but the system was never put into production. One of the prototypes sold for $360,000 a few years back.

Most people don't have that kind of cash, but thanks to the efforts of WeskMods – one of the people behind the amazing Wii keychain – you can now create your own SNES PlayStation (well, the shell, at least).

"I'm making public my Nintendo Playstation STEP model for anyone to use," says WeskMods on social media. "I had originally planned to use it for a hybrid PS1+SNES console but due to lack of time (and my commitment to the project) I doubt it'll ever be finished." In case you weren't aware, STEP is a 3D modelling file type.

Using WeskMods' file, you can 3D print your own SNES PlayStation shell, but you'll still need to figure out how to include the SNES hardware inside – and there's the small matter of the fact that you can't replicate a CD drive for the SNES, as it was never released.

Perhaps you could take inspiration from gamer_lafan, whose mod combines the SNES with an actual PS1, using the Satellaview add-on as an expensive donor system?

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