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News Nintendo UK's Latest Switch Advert Shows Just How Little We Know About Pop Music



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The Nintendo UK advert featuring singer-songwriter Raye and her sisters showcases how gaming can bring families together. The heartwarming ad highlights Raye's own passion for Nintendo games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which she enjoys playing both solo and with her siblings.

The advert aligns with the growing demographic of women making up 47% of Nintendo Switch players in the UK, reflecting the gaming industry's evolving landscape and increasing appeal across gender lines. Raye's genuine enthusiasm for Nintendo games, and her habit of traveling with her Switch and extra controllers to facilitate multiplayer sessions, illustrates how video games have become a medium for creating lasting family memories.

Overall, the advert offers a fresh perspective on gaming, moving beyond just promoting Nintendo's systems to demonstrating how video games can serve as a catalyst for family bonding and shared experiences.


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