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Steam 'Perfect Lap' Is What Happens When Ridge Racer Type 4 And Auto Modellista Have A Baby


Classic arcade racing games might have fallen out of favor somewhat in recent times, but that doesn't mean developers have completely ignored them – as the existence of Perfect Lap proves.

Created by Majestic Technology, it's described as a mix between Auto Modellista And Ridge Racer Type 4, and is headed to Steam in the not-too-distant future.

Combining the former's cel-shaded look with the latter's tight controls, this could well turn out to be something of a winner for fans of this genre.

The developer has shared various videos of the game's development but is keen to stress that it remains a work in progress:

The art style is permanent, but the models are *not*. This is to avoid not only licensing of cars, but also car parts. (e.g veilside) Customisation is planned to be in the game.


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