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Homebrew [Release] freeShop - open source eShop alternative



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024


Source: https://notabug.org/btucker/freeShop

This is homebrew software designed to imitate Nintendo's eShop. It allows you to browse and search games, and download ones you own (i.e. games for which you have the titlekey).

1. Install the CIA file on your CFW of choice (preferably one removing region restrictions). Do NOT ask about CFW issues in this thread.
2. Put an encTitleKeys.bin file in the directory sdmc:/3ds/data/freeShop/keys/ or go to update settings in freeShop and add a URL to auto-download (recommended).
3. Launch freeShop and enjoy.

This is perhaps over-simplified. I'll be more thorough later. This is mostly for linux, building on Windows will be difficult.

1. Install devkitARM, including ctrulib and citro3d.

2. Build cpp3ds. This script shows how to build it on ubuntu. This includes downloading precompiled portlibs/tools. (if you use Arch it's on AUR)

3. Set CPP3DS env variable to the dir with cpp3ds build (containing lib/include dirs)

4. Build/install libarchive (to portlibs dir) and freeShop as detailed in this script.


Q: Do I need a CFW for this?

A: Yes.

Q: Is there a 3dsx version?
A: No, and with the elevated permissions needed, it's not worth the trouble.

Q: Why are games missing? They're on the eShop.
A: It only shows games for which you have the title key (dumped to encTitleKeys.bin). And even then some games won't show because they're not cached server-side (this will eventually change).

Q: Why does freeShop show DLC as installed when I don't have it?
A: All DLC is lumped together with the same title id, so even partial installs will show it as installed. If you're missing DLC, just delete it and reinstall it. If eShop partially installed it, or you previously purchased some DLC through eShop on that console, you may lose the DLC freeShop installs when you revisit eShop. This is currently unavoidable.

Q: Can freeShop download while sleeping?
A: Not yet. It's currently unknown how to go into sleep mode without interrupting network services.

Q: Can I download games of any region?
A: Depends on your CFW. Most of them allow it, including the popular Luma3DS.

Q: Is this safe? Will I get banned/sued for using this?
A: Even modding your console's software/firmware runs legal risks. But like running freeShop, the risk is minimal. If you make sure to only install games you've purchased, then you remain in a safer legal grey area. And there is no way for Nintendo to know which client IP owns which games. That would requires some analytic guesswork, potentially resulting in many false-positive bans. Not likely to happen and none have been reported.

Q: Why don't I have any friends?
A: You should get out more.


I keep getting "Failed to install seed" errors.

You likely have a FW version < 9.6 and therefore cannot play newer games that utilize crypto seeds. You can fix this with a FW update.

I keep getting "Wrong title key" errors.
You're probably not using correct encrypted keys (encTitleKeys.bin). Decrypted keys will give this error.

I keep getting "Failed to finalize TMD install: 0xC86044D2".
The system is reporting that you don't have enough space on your SD card to install the game. If it's a DSiWare game, then it's your NAND that doesn't have the space.

I keep getting "Failed to finalize content install: 0xD8E08025".
There are many possible reasons for this. But one known diagnosis is a possible SD card problem. For example, a fake SD card who is reporting space available while it's actually full will often give this error. Double-check your SD card.

I get error code 0xD8A08004
This happens with the installation state gets screwed up. You have to reboot the console to get rid of it. If you consistently get this, report how so the bug can be fixed.


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