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News 'Shashingo: Learn Japanese With Photography' Snaps Up September Release Date On Switch



Staff member

After reaching its Kickstarter goal last year and launching on Steam back in February, the delightful-looking photography-meets-language-learning game Shashingo: Learn Japanese with Photography will finally be removing the lens cap on Switch on 3rd September.

Yep, just when you thought September couldn't get any more packed for Switch releases, a charming and educational game featuring a cute Shiba Inu pup comes along to shake up the schedule even further.

Shashingo (which translates to "the Language of Photographs" in Japanese) has a simple premise: take photos and learn their contents in Japanese. But good heavens, it looks so charming! As you wander the fictional Japanese streets, you can snap up whatever pieces of vocab you'd like from vehicles to plants to adorable puppies that run nearby shops. These snaps are then saved as flashcards in your photo album, so you can go back over key phrases as often as you'd like.

And it's not just nouns either. Flipping each photo over will reveal a series of related adjectives and verbs to be used alongside your new-found knowledge and the back of your photo album is home to a long list of handy phrases like greetings and questions. Take that, Duolingo.

Those who want to put their knowledge to the test can do so in 'Find Mode', where you'll have to track down select Japanese words with a new photograph. On the flip side, those just after some chill photography can try out different filters and borders to get the best snap.

Here's a list of Shashingo's key features and a handful of screenshots:

- A stylised, approachable 3D environment
- In-game photography system
- Japanese voice lines
- Photo album to store flash-cards
- A game mode that tests your memory
- In-game lessons for Japanese grammar


This looks like one of the more relaxing edutainment games we've seen in a while and with the Switch allowing us to play for a few minutes on the go, we can see it being a good way to pick up some language skills.

Sorry, bank balance, September is going to hurt.

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