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News Space Marine 2 Community Warns Against Nerfs After Developer Q&A



Staff member

The Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 community has been quite vocal in their criticism of the recent nerfs introduced in Patch 4.0 of the game. The key changes that have sparked backlash include:

- Reducing the perfect parry window for fencing weapons, making them more reliant on last-moment parries rather than the more generous window they had before.
- Nerfing the Auspex Scan and Melta Charge abilities, which were powerful tools against tough bosses in the Operations mode.
- Increasing the difficulty of the Ruthless and Substantial difficulty levels, as well as introducing a new Lethal difficulty with coordination-focused mechanics.

Players have expressed frustration, with some even review bombing the game on Steam to voice their displeasure. They feel the changes have made the game much harder, going against the "power fantasy" they expect from a Space Marine game.

However, the developers at Saber Interactive have acknowledged the community's concerns. In the Patch 4.0 notes, they admitted the changes would make Operations mode harder, but stated they felt it had become too easy, especially after the previous Patch 3. They promised this would not be the last adjustment, and that they would continue monitoring feedback and adjusting the balance.

So while the community is currently quite upset about the nerfs, the developers seem to be taking a measured approach, rather than immediately reverting the changes. They appear committed to finding the right balance for the Operations mode going forward.



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