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Translation ROM Hack Star Ocean The Second Story R Name and Honorifics restoration patch



Staff member
If you don't intend to use this patch and only want to comment for trolling purposes, don't bother. The world doesn't need any more clowns. You're not special.

Origins of the project

When I started the game, the first thing that literally drove me insane was the change in how the main female character addresses us. When I hear Claude and see Kenny in the subtitles, I experience a very unpleasant dissonance.
My first thought was to look at the game files and just replace all the instances where Kenny appears instead of Claude.
Due to the fact that the game was created in Unity, fortunately there are already tools for easy editing of game files - including text.
When I was able to find the right tool and extract the text into files, I noticed that the developers brilliantly approached the whole thing of nicknames and honorifics.
Each major character has registered honorifics with which he is addressed by characters in the form of variables.
It looks like this:
0 ConstSystemMessage data
1 string messageID = "NOEL_001"
1 string message = "<CN=CHARA_NOEL>さん"
0 ConstSystemMessage data
1 string messageID = "NOEL_002"
1 string message = "<CN=CHARA_NOEL>先生"
0 ConstSystemMessage data
1 string messageID = "CHISATO_001"
1 string message = "<CN=CHARA_CHISATO>さん"

It quickly occurred to me that, after all, the original suffixes could easily be restored to the translated text by adding them to the same file from the English version instead of the localized ones.
Unfortunately, I quickly learned that the Western translation completely ruined the concept and used a default variable for the character's name everywhere. Like <CN=CHARA_CHISATO> for Chisato and manually added any localized honorifics (most often they were completely devoid of any form of politeness, just plain name).

However, I checked whether these variables work in Western text. Fortunately, they were working, so I decided that I will replace everything in the text. In fact, each instance had to be swapped manually. There was no way to use regex, because the Western translation had no consistency in the use of titles (and as I mentioned earlier - they were completely ignored).

Thanks to the incredible organization of everything by the original creators, it was easy to find the files and places where the names in question had to be replaced and the variables that were in the original had to be inserted. This, of course, took a really long time, because manually rummaging through thousands of files where at least a few places had to be swapped in each one is a time-consuming process.

As I compared some of the lines in the translation in the process, it came out that the overall translation is pretty good by the extremely low standards of localization of Japanese games, which made me a little relieved (I was considering playing in the original language, like the Xenoblade games, for example - Western versions were literally unplayable for me).

But back to the topic.

Honorifics for something like Hero (Hero-san/sama), any job names (Carpenter-san/sama), Traveller-san/sama etc won't be added. I also didn't touch any military titles. And this is unlikely to change.


Install like any other LayeredFS mod in Yuzu or Atmosphere. Should work with Windows version too (just replace the files included in linked archive), but I bought the Switch version, so I can't confirm it. Windows version is encrypted. I don't know if it's Denuvo's fault (which the Windows version has) or something else, but until someone does something about it, the mod will only be compatible with the Nintendo Switch version.


v0.45 (18.03.2024)

- Fixed (hopefully) everything with Nall's name. Different people address him differently. The suffix -san was also mostly missing. I didn't change it directly in the text, but restored the system names from the original script, which I had already corrected. E.g. <SYS=NPCNAME_111>.
- Centropolis changed to Central City (it's lietrally セントラルシティ)
- Some minor changes to the dialogues. Like 逃げてちゃなんにも変わらない…か。 was "huh." in English script.
- Fixed a bug that caused some honorifics like "oneechan" (お姉ちゃん) used by some people to be displayed in the original language instead of romanized version

v0.4 (15.11.2023)
- Fixed all instances of Leon using "Dude" (oniichan)
- Fixed my mistake (Instead of being called hakase, Leon was called sensei in the subtitles - now it's Dr. Leon as in other cases where characters are called Name-hakase)
- Ninay replaced with <SYS=NPCNAME_130> (Ninay-san) as in the original script
- Applied the dialogue fix from img attached here (credits: エニ)

V0.3 (12.11.2023)
- added missing NPC honorifics
- minor corrections of many sentences

V0.27 (10.11.2023)
- added a missing space before the character's name in one line
- a minor edit of a few sentences

V0.26 (09.11.2023)
- added missing NPC honorifics
- a minor edit of a few sentences

V0.25 (07.11.2023)
- fixed missing space in one line (bug from previous version)
- added more honorifics, mainly for NPC characters
- fixed missing <SYS=IMP_079> (healing spells) in one line
- restored names (Ururun, Gyoro)

V0.2 (06.11.2023)
- Added missing honorifics that were used outside variables.

V0.1 (05.11.2023)
- All instances of Kenny replaced to Claude
- Honorifics of all important characters restored to original Japanese ones
- Some minor (for now) dialogue edits
- All A-a, B-b etc replaced to A-A, B-B (B-but -> B-But, for cosmetic reasons)
- All honorifics variables like <SYS=RENA_004> restored to English TL files.

Future plans
It is quite possible that in addition to these changes, I will also make corrections to the translation, if I think there would be a need for it while playing. For now, I will rather focus on imperfections, accidentally omitted honorifics and possible minor fixes. It may happen that in some places the text will not fit in the text bubble, because I had no way to test this while editing the files. I tried to move some of the \n (newline) tags so as to equalize the content of the dialogue, but imperfections will happen (if someone manages to spot one of these, please send me a screenshot or the full sentence that causes this problem).

There may be other bugs that will cause problems for which I take no responsibility.

What exactly was changed
At this point, the whole patch has already become much broader than I had originally anticipated.

There have been more changes to the text than I thought would happen. For the most part, these are minor things (minor things that affect the perception of a character). For example, the text that Welch says after automatically defeating an enemy (being very irritated) - まったく was translated as Hiyaa! (which didn't make any sense at all). In my patch, it is "what a pain" (I considered using "good grief", but decided that that one would fit better) and other stuff like that. There are also some other changes, such as those suggested by users in this thread.
However, this does not change the fact that this translation is nevertheless surprisingly faithful to the original script by official standards, and this is the reason why small imperfections can be easily fixed.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that I didn't assume that many changes in the text, I didn't keep any log of what exactly was changed. It is possible that I will do something like this in the future using a diffchecker.


  • SO2Unburger-0-45.zip
    986.9 KB · Views: 50
  • SO2Unburger-0-4.zip
    986.7 KB · Views: 64

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