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PCSX2 HD texture pack group

Tekken 4 (USA) HD Textures



Staff member

Tekken 4_SLUS-20328_20240401233250.png

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Tekken 4_SLUS-20328_20240402002023.png

~Compatible with PCSX2 v1.7.5679~

Unfortunately the game's internal resolution is stuck at 480p for menus, HUD, and story prologues so I've decided to separate the text upscale in a seperate download called "Crispy text" since it causes micro-stuttering when on first load then runs fine, enable Async loading or Precache Textures for this game. Environments use a mix of PNG and DDS and there are transparency issues in the mishimaya building in shinjuku and floating tree in Jungle.

Missing: Opening & character FMVs, Character Portraits, Partial loading screen, Character select Background, Health bar & Timer, some text, some command list ground textures, Xiaoyu's hit particle effect, Selected name entry text

Set In-game display options to "Sharp" to see unblurred textures

:!:Fixed transparency issue in Beach shack.

Models Used:
  • 4xHDCube4-Plus for almost everything
  • UHDCube for some Beach Textures
  • 4xHDCube-Digital for story Prologues
Crispy text:arrow:https://www.mediafire.com/file/92uby80ykin7s19/Tekken4_CrispyText.zip/file

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