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News The Developer Who Gave Us Duck Hunt On Game Boy Is Making A Next-Gen Version


Remember the unlikely port of Duck Hunt we got for the Game Boy? Well, Tiger Bronnikov, the developer behind that project, is back – and this time he wants to create a next-gen version of Nintendo's iconic light gun shooter.

Dubbed Tiny Duck Hunt 3D, the game is currently being prepped for a Kickstarter campaign and, outside of a short animation video, is very early in development.

"One of the most popular old-school games is coming," says the trailer's description. "Sweet graphics, nice gameplay, smart and convenient control." Bronnikov describes it as "next-generation Duck Hunt in a cute cartoon 3D world."

The Kickstarter launches on the 23rd of September, 2024.

Duck Hunt, which recently turned 40, still ranks as one of the most iconic light gun games of all time.

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