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Emulation The TrimUI Brick Takes Inspiration From The Analogue Pocket


Thanks to its wide range of FPGA cores, support for physical carts and fetching Game Boy-style design, the Analogue Pocket remains one of the most popular retro-gaming handhelds on the market right now.

Taking that into account, it's not all that surprising that rival companies have copied the design for their own devices. TrimUI, for example, has just announced the Brick, a device which takes a lot of inspiration from the Pocket (thanks, Retro Handhelds).

The overall design is very similar, and you've even got the 'stepped' back (minus a cartridge slot, as this runs entirely on software emulation) and the three function buttons on the front. One new thing the TrimUI offers is an RGB light at the top of the device.

Powered by an Allwinner A133 Plus chipset and boasting a 3.2 inch 1024×768 IPS display, the TrimUI Brick isn't pulling up any trees when it comes to power, but could be a solid purchase for people looking for an Analogue-style experience on a budget.


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