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News Ubisoft 'Fully Mobilized' After Soft Star Wars Outlaws PS5 Sales



Staff member

Ubisoft has said it's "fully mobilised to swiftly implement a series of updates to polish and improve" Star Wars Outlaws after it admitted the game had a "softer than expected launch". While it pointed out that the release had received "solid ratings", it said that it wants to position the release as a "strong long-term performer", which will require a series of critical improvements and updates.

In fact, the title's launch appears to have spooked the French publisher, prompting it to delay Assassin's Creed Shadows until 14th February. "While the game is feature complete," it said of its upcoming Japanese open world outing, "the learnings from the Star Wars Outlaws release led us to provide additional time to further polish the title."

Among Star Wars Outlaws' many launch issues, PS5 players who'd paid extra for Early Access were forced to start the campaign over, after a critical progression breaking bug had to be fixed by the publisher. This rendered the Early Access period pointless – and has resulted in the French publisher nixing the entire idea with Assassin's Creed Shadows.

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