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Nintendo Switch

A comprehensive list of tutorials, guides, walkthroughs and more catering specifically to the Nintendo Switch video game platform. Looking for help on how to hack or modify your system? These in-depth guides will provide all the information you'll need with easy to follow step-by-step instructions. Need any further help? Post a reply to get expert advice from members of our community.
So I know there is already a very detailed tutorial out there that is quite good and safer than what I am writing, but a number of people seem to be interested in the method I discovered and have tested. So the way I figured out basically sets up autoRCM or Brickmii right after the update...
Foreword: Okay so I know there's already a guide posted for this by Randomguylol, but I noticed several things missing, and there was confusion on the part of the people attempting to do this. Since I had already done this myself, and had experience with the confusion moving from mainly using...
Chad Waliser
2 min read
This tutorial uses TegraRCM command line to send payloads to RCM enabled Switch. Command line is used since it offers a more detailed explanation on what is going on. So it is a definitive way to confirm if your Switch is patched or not without further questions. This tutorial does not make any...