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Nintendo Switch

A comprehensive list of tutorials, guides, walkthroughs and more catering specifically to the Nintendo Switch video game platform. Looking for help on how to hack or modify your system? These in-depth guides will provide all the information you'll need with easy to follow step-by-step instructions. Need any further help? Post a reply to get expert advice from members of our community.
Chad Waliser
2 min read
I've been stuck grinding this game (https://pokerogue.net/)for days now and wanted a more convenient way to play it. For this guide, you will need to have android installed on your system using switchroot. At the very least until the game's JS source code is properly ported to the system using...
Chad Waliser
3 min read
Good news everyone! I decided to make a The Switch brew page has information on theming the homebrew menu. https://switchbrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_Menu I figured I would write up a way to just change the Background and asset images, For full theming see above link. REQUIREMENTS HBtheme PAK...
  • Featured
Chad Waliser
3 min read
Use FPSLocker on actual hardware or uncap framerate emulator and/or limit game speed to 200% to achieve the same result as this guide. No Ghidra or guide required now. This is a basic guide to create an .ips that patches 'nvnWindowBuilderSetPresentInterval' and/or 'nvnWindowSetPresentInterval'...
Chad Waliser
4 min read
I've seen this asked a lot over the years and since someone asked it today and I recently mapped out all the Settings saves, I decided to test my theory that the answer was there. It was. Use case: You are stuck at the system initialize screen with the 'connect joycons' animation but you don't...
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Chad Waliser
7 min read
This is a guide for save a replaced or dead emmc Nintendo Switch consoles fully noob friendly step by step. This gonna take a while, you need to be patient or persistent enough. And you can"t go online but you can use card games, homebrews, pirated games too. Everything you need to save your...
Chad Waliser
2 min read
So, after spending the last few years being throughly disappointed at the lack of a packaged editor with the Football Manager Touch releases; I've finally worked out how to apply fan-made patches to the latest Nintendo Switch release.. :yayswitch: A quick shout-out to the teams at DBI for...
Chad Waliser
7 min read
Chad Waliser
3 min read
Since I only update HOS when needed I don't do this very often which usually means I've forgotten something. Rather than just writing notes to myself I figured I'd write to everyone. Yes, there are packs that will do this, but they have the potential to introduce other hang-ups and can undo any...
Chad Waliser
4 min read
Currently, there's quite an active development of mods that range from anything between GUI, audio, graphics, animations, and others for Sonic Origins on PC. When installing the game on PC, you get all of the assets of the game properly distributed within folders for each of the individual games...
Chad Waliser
4 min read
Foreword: If you are some random kid that wants to make a game for the switch without knowledge about Unity, Switch development and C/C++, stop right here. This is not meant for you and if you want to make a game that runs on the switch, use Godot. It is easy to make games with and they are...
Chad Waliser
5 min read
DISCLAIMER: THIS TUTORIAL IS A WIP, I'm still (eventually) updating it to contain the latest methods/fixes to allow mostly any gamemaker game to be ported onto the switch. Take in mind this guide is still incomplete, but does contain valuable info to start porting! So... As you might (or not)...
Chad Waliser
7 min read
I am sure a lot of us, especially those with V1 switches, have often hoped for a bigger battery. I actually attempted to do that a year ago. However, this is the new and actually working properly version of the mod. What the internals look like after the mod. What it looks like all put...
Chad Waliser
4 min read
Warning! Increasing the Framerate of the game and Overclocking your Switch will likely to heat your Switch and drains your battery real Fast! You have been warned! Hello Everyone! In this Tutorial you will learn how to find the FPS code using only your Switch running CFW and EdiZon-SE. Note...
Chad Waliser
2 min read
Sometimes you need to build the binaries for Atmosphère, or you want to change something on the source code, for building your starting point should be: https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere/blob/master/docs/building.md On that document you can read: That instructions are a little plain...
Chad Waliser
3 min read
Has been reports of the public PegaScape site suffering crashes and been offline, so I decided to create a Step by step tutorial about building the Pegascape Source and running it on Self Hosted mode. For Linux instructions you can look into the tutorial...
Chad Waliser
2 min read
Portable PegaScape (Win32) - Tutorial 1. Download & extract PegaScape-master.zip to c:\PegaScape-master. 2. Download & install python-2.7.15, node-v9.11.2, portableGit-2.44.0. 3. Edit c:\PegaScape-master\package.json. - change "node-pty" to "node-pty-prebuilt" 4. Go to portable Git, find...
Chad Waliser
2 min read
DevKitPro is a set of packages needed to build homebrew for different consoles including: GP2x GP32 Game Boy (Advanced) DS 3DS Wii WiiU Switch And is composed of three main toolchains: devkitARM devkitPPC devkitA64 DevKitPro can be installed on several OSes and you can get it from the...
Chad Waliser
1 min read
One of the most used developer environment on Windows is MSYS, MSYS's MINGW is a Cygwin environment working on Windows, is very easy to setup and as it is an enclosed environment is not affected by other software on your computer. The most recent information about MSYS is on the official...
Chad Waliser
6 min read
Hi, I hope the next steps help to somebody. After the project «n64decomp» finished lots of forks emerged. One of them is the SM 64 PC Port which have as aim to be a port of n64decomp for modern devices. Some of these ports was for the Switch console and become real on the fork fgsfdsfgs that...
Chad Waliser
3 min read
This probably only applies to people who use a Mac to manage files to their Switch's SD card. Doing this could change the files' archive bit, causing problems on the Switch OS. One way to fix the contents of your SD card, is to use Windows to uncheck the "Folder is ready for archiving" option...