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Mod Cyberpunk 2077 fans surprised by third-person mode in graphical overhaul



Staff member

If you've always fancied seeing CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 from a different perspective, the time has finally arrived.

There's much we love about Cyberpunk 2077, which still seems like such a weird thing to write after its initial launch failures.

However, here we are, savoring every aspect of Night City we can.

One way you can do this is through the magic of mods, with this surprising third person "ultra-realistic" being among the best we've seen.

This "beautiful" experience changes up the vibe of the game so much that it might throw you off at first, as it has done some other admirers of CDPR's action-packed adventure.

"It took me five minutes of watching this to figure out what was odd about it, the third person view when not in a vehicle," commented YouTube user @Dr.D00p.

We can't help but wonder how stunning our playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077: One More Light would be if we played it in third person mode.

As always, YouTube account Digital Dreams details its full modlist in the video caption so that you can experience this graphical overhaul for yourselves.

"Damn that preset is worth an expensive coffee," remarked one fan, referencing the option to thank the developers by buying them a coffee through ko-fi. However, as that same fan reminds us, these mods are "free as always".

Maybe this overhaul and perspective switch isn't for you, or maybe you simply long for a different experience; whatever your reasons, there are new ways to get the vibe of Cyberpunk without replaying it.

A new Steam hit has been rated 9/10 by players thus far, seemingly making it an ideal fit for Cyberpunk fans in need of something new yet vaguely familiar.

There's still so much to see and do in Cyberpunk's thriving, brightly lit world, it just depends if you're ready to experience them.

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