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Hacking DIOS MIOS (Lite)



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
With the events of these last weeks, I found myself remembering something that I had clearly forgotten. Children lie. It's just what they do. It doesn't matter how many times you prove that they're lying.. they'll just struggle to come up with something else, and all you can really do in that extremely frustrating scenario is to hope they eventually learn some sense of remorse and shame.
Having said that, I'm putting all of it to bed. The whole thing is unfortunate, but what's done is done, and we've decided that it's time to move forward. Kids sure are funny though, aren't they? =)

Admittedly this post is going to be a bit of a mess for the time being. I'm just going to throw out some relevant and hopefully useful information and clean it up later.

Those of you already familiar with DML can simply consider DIOS MIOS to be the same thing, with the obvious difference being that the code now reads from USB. Setup is the same. 1st partition FAT32, 32K cluster. If you already have a USB drive working with *NEEK+DI or UNEEK, you'll be good to go. Should you happen to find that your USB device doesn't work, I'm sorry but "them's the breaks." You see, we were recently robbed of our controlled device beta time..

It still reads both game.iso (DiscEx) and extracted file (GCReEx) formats in the games folder, and as I'm sure many of you have already found out, the FST code is the faster of the two but slightly less compatible. There's a very slight chance that DM will break a game or two, as the code takes around 8KB from MEM1, but we have yet to find any.

Beyond that however, there are a number of things to be considered. It helps to remember that currently both the SD and USB FAT code read only one cluster at a time. DML (SNEEK) can read a card formatted 64K clusters. The highest DIOS MIOS (UNEEK, DI) can read is 32K.

I'd assume that for the majority of you, DM will perform much faster than what you're accustomed to with DML. This however, isn't always going to be the case. It really all comes down to the hardware you're using. If you happen to have a real speedy SD card, (probably lower than 2GB) formatted 64K, you're going to notice that for some games, DM isn't going to run as well as they did with DML. Why? Because while a hard disk drive is likely to have a faster sustained rate, (and no SD top speed bottleneck) the access times are much slower than the NANDFlash of a SD card. Take for example a game like 'True Crime.' 4,123 files.. 929 of 'em are 1KB or less.. half of the files are under 32KB. The game is constantly seeking all of these tiny files, so you're going to want to play it on a NAND based media with near instant seek times. A SSD is always of course the best option, but honestly who the hell can afford that? =)

As always if you use DIOS MIOS, and would like to say thanks for all the time and effort put into this and can afford to do so, any donations are highly appreciated.

Have fun.

here is the download page.

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