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News Google Employee Reportedly Tied To Multiple Nintendo Leaks



Staff member

A new report from 404 Media claims that multiple Nintendo leaks from 2013-18 can be tied to a Google employee who had accessed Nintendo's private YouTube videos.

The report is based on an internal Google database which has tracked "six years worth of potential privacy and security issues" including those reported by the company's own employees.

The database, which contains incidents from 2013-2018, reportedly details a case in which a Google employee had accessed several private Nintendo videos and leaked the contents of them online. According to 404 Media, an internal investigation into the report concluded that the activity was "non-intentional".

It is unclear which Nintendo announcements were affected by the leaks though, naturally, they will have fallen within the six-year range covered by the database.

The report details several other Google incidents for the time including accidentally logging children's speech data, storing licence plate information captured by the Google Street View cameras and making YouTube recommendations based on user's deleted watch history.

The full dataset was obtained by 404 by an "anonymous tipster". Google has since verified the internal report's contents, stating that all of the issues were "reviewed and resolved at that time."

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