The Horizon video game series has announced that the character of Sylens, previously voiced by the late actor Lance Reddick, will be recast in the upcoming Lego Horizon Adventures game. Guerrilla Games, the developers of the Horizon games, have confirmed that Sylens will appear in the Lego spin-off, but will be portrayed by a new, as-yet-unnamed actor.
Reddick, who was known for his roles in shows like The Wire and John Wick, tragically passed away in March 2023. Guerrilla Games has stated that Reddick is "deeply missed" by the studio and the Horizon community, and that he "wonderfully portrayed the essential character of Sylens" in the original Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West games.
While the recasting of Sylens may be a necessity given Reddick's passing, the developers have aimed to maintain the tone of the original Horizon games by including the voices of other returning actors, such as Ashly Burch as Aloy, JB Blanc as Rost, John Macmillan as Varl, and John Hopkins as Erend.
Lego Horizon Adventures is set to release in the near future, and fans of the Horizon series will be eager to see how the new actor portrays the character of Sylens and fits into the overall Lego adaptation of the Horizon world.
Horizon's Sylens Will Be Recast Following the Passing of Lance Reddick
Starting with LEGO Horizon Adventures
Lego Horizon Adventures: The Final Preview - IGN
In the best way possible, something felt different when playing Lego Horizon Adventures as opposed to the countless other Lego games I've played. It didn't feel like a Lego game; it felt like a game that just happened to be portrayed through a Lego lens.