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News Incredibly, Mafia: The Old Country Will Feature a Full Sicilian Dub on PS5



Staff member

Some games really bug us with their lack of authenticity when it comes to voice acting, but Mafia: The Old Country is going the extra mile. The game is set in 1900s Sicily, and it'll feature a full Sicilian dub to boot. While you can safely assume English will also be available as an option, this may be the best way to play if you're looking for an authentic experience.

Hangar 13, the game's developer, also confirmed on X (or Twitter) that it'll fully localize the game's subtitles and user interface into Italian as well.

As we mentioned in a previous article, atmosphere is arguably the most important part of the Mafia games, and it sounds like the studio really understands this. We can't wait to see this title in motion when it's full reveal follows in December – it's clearly going to be an extraordinary open world experience on the PS5.

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