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News New Xbox Bug Causes Backwards Compatibility Issue For Some Games



Staff member

Let's start with the good news - you know that issue we reported on Monday about some players being unable to access multiplayer features following the August update? Xbox has already pushed out an update to fix it.

However, we've now got a new one. As reported by various Xbox fans over the past few days, there appears to be a problem getting backwards compatibility games from the original Xbox and Xbox 360 eras to install via disc right now - which is particularly bad if you can't buy them digitally anymore!

In some cases, an apparent workaround is to locate the game page on the Microsoft Store while the disc is inserted, and you may find that you're prompted to install it. This apparently isn't working for everyone though.

So, if you find that you're in the same boat at the moment and the workaround doesn't fix it, you'll unfortunately have to wait for a resolution. The good news is that Team Xbox seems to be very efficient in solving these problems!

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