SacriFire follows the story of Ezekiel Ridan, a young priest struggling to maintain his faith amidst a war between gods and demons. As a soldier in training for the elite sect of the Church of Sheol, Ezekiel's primary goal is to protect the underground city of Antioch from the demons above. However, he soon finds himself embroiled in a conflict far greater than he could have imagined – a struggle that has been waged for thousands of years by entities beyond his comprehension.
SacriFire playtest build includes:
- 1 main story quest
- 3 side quests
- 2 major locations and 6 smaller locations
- 1 boss and variety of enemies
- A fun mini-game of Moligmania
- And much more!
SacriFire is planned to launch on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch.