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News The PS5 Remaster Everyone Asked for Is Finally Happening



Staff member

The gaming gods have heard your prayers, and they appear to be taking action. We've been handed so many remasters in recent years, but none have truly sated us — and that's because we've all been waiting on the second coming of a true classic. A game that's on the mind of every gamer, every day, every hour, every minute. Finally, we may be about to witness the return... of Goat Simulator.

As spotted by Gematsu, 'Goat Simulator Remastered' has just been rated in Taiwan, suggesting that an announcement awaits in the relatively near future. It's been almost nine years since the undisputed GOAT arrived on PS3 and PS4 — but it looks like our patience will ultimately be rewarded.

We sincerely hope that this isn't a free upgrade, by the way. If any game deserves a double dip — a full price double dip — it's Goat Simulator. Please try to contain your excitement in the comments section below.

[source x.com]

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