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Hacking USB Loader



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
The goal of this project is to make a stable USB-Loader, based on the official one from Waninkoko, with many Features like Cheating,
Language Selecting, and much more... . It's Open-Source, so everybody can try to contribute something. The Thanks goes to waninkoko,
kwiirk, Hungyip84, fishears, nIxx, usptactical, Sorg, WiiPower, Forsaekn and many more!!! (Sorry if I forgot someone).
Thanks to all of them for spending time, and work so hard for this



V7.4 including source (version based on 1.5 - made by hungyip84 (19/04/09 )

-Added two new options (I think it's a lot, sorry): wconsole_coords and wcovers_coords
This two options are similar to console_coords and covers_coords, except that these two options are used when the loader is in widescreen mode.
-Fixed some minor bugs
-Re-factored some of the codes (should not affect anything, but might introduce new bugs)
-Might be there is something more. I will let you to figure it out.

V7.3 (version based on 1.5 - made by hungyip84 (17/04/09 )
-Added Force Pal50, Pal60 and Force NTSC
-Added VIDTV Patch (It was always patched for previous loaders, but now I added that as option in setting menu

V7.2 (version based on 1.4 - made by hungyip84 (17/04/09 )
Links says V7. but it's V7.2
-Now the loader would detect widescreen automatically. You could still use the "widescreen" config,
but you could just delete this config option and let the loade to pick for you.
-The loader would download the correct widescreen covert art for you into wimages_path if you are in widescreen mode.
So you don't have to resize yourself now =)

V7.1 (version based on 1.1 - made by hungyip84 (17/04/09 )
V7.1 (version based on 1.4 - made by hungyip84 (17/04/09 )
-auto resize is removed to fix the install bug.
-added wimage_path option. This is the path that you put your widescreen background and widescreen cover art to. (default is SD:/wimages/)
-also included, the japanese game fix by Narolez as well (Thanks Narolez!) Please let Hungyip84 know if ocarina is really disabled with it is turned off.
Notes: when you have widescreen turned on, the downloaded cover art would not get auto-resized, you need to resize yourself. Sorry about that.

V7 official (version based on 1.1 and 1.4 included - made by hungyip84 (16/04/09 )
-A lot of bug fixes
-added widescreen option. (If you use widescreen, please set layout to ultimatew or simple delete the layout config)
-ultimate2 layout has been changed to fit new background, it is also the default layout now.
-Added new ultimatew layout (for default widescreen, which is the default layout when you enable widescreen)
In order to compile the source, you need to add this library and add to libogc folder:

V7beta3 (based on waninkokos 1.4 Loader) - made by hungyip84 (15/04/09 )
-just bugs fixed.
-no widescreen support, yet. Will be in next or overnext version.
-Background with new button mapping is at the bottom of this post.

V7beta2 (based on waninkokos 1.4 Loader) - made by hungyip84 (15/04/09 )
-Now simple option allow only 0, 1 or 2 (0 is normal, 1 is remove install and uninstall option, 2 is remove uninstall option)
-Also, if you set simple = 1, the hdd information would be hidden
-savesettings is set to default by 0 now (instead of 1)
-functionality of button 1 and 2 is removed. Hungyip84 might add this back as a config option in future release (depends on the feedback)
-language, video and ocarina option is removed from the game selection screen (they are in the setting screen now)

in titles.txt, you can set access level by something like this:

RMCE = Mario Kart = 1
there is one minor bug that I found. If you boot game from setting menu, the auto-save would not work (i will fix it in V7 final)
FIXED: in the setting pages there are some bug. Don't play with the saving page yet. I made some change and screwed that up. I will fix it tomorrow.

V6.7 (both 1.1 and 1.4 included) - made by hungyip84/forsaekn (14/04/09 )

-Now savings would be saved to SD card instead (in the same directory as your boot.dol) (Thanks for oggzee's work)
-Now the loader would load config.txt and titles.txt from the boot.dol directory instead of (SD:/apps/usbloader), so you can have multiple loaders with different config.
-Added config option "max_characters". Default is set to "max_characters = 37", this option allow you to edit the number of characters being displayed per line.

V6Final (both 1.1 and 1.4 included) - made by hungyip84/forsaekn (13/04/09 )

-Added config option (ocarina, video, language, savesettings, entrylines, download)
-For ocarina, video, language, the loader would use the saved settings if saved settings are detected.
-savesettings is the option to save the (ocarina, video and language) settings into the game.
-entrylines is the number of entry lines displayed on the screen.
-download = 0 would disable the download boxart feature. download = 1 would turn it on (default is off)
The image reload bug should also be fixed in this version. Please let us know if it works.

v6Beta made by hungyip84/forsaekn (13/04/09 )
-Image downloading

v5 made by hungyip84 (13/04/09)
-Based on 1.4
-Now sorting is working fine
-Home config bug is solved now

v4 made by hungyip84 (13/04/09)
-Based on 1.1
-Now sorting is working fine
-Home config bug is solved now

v3 made by hungyip84/Kongnutz
-Language select
-Force Ntsc (WiiPower Method)
-Force Pal (Fishears Method)
-Ocarina Codes (Can be selcted on or off)
-SD Bug Fixed (codes work in Brawl and allow SD access in other games)
-White Game select background with black text (all versions)
-Custom Background for each version (edited by kongsnutz) and a channel forwarder included.

Current Features:
- Enable/disable Ocarina
- Change the Titlename through an .txt file.
- Game covers
- Force the disc video Mode, the consoles videomode, and patch the video mode
- Configure the design/layout of the loader through a config file on the root of your SD (move console, covers to another position, console color, etc.)
- Configure the loader to run at ADULT, TEEN and KID.

-Check if you have cIOS rev10. If not, please update
-Download the newest version
-Rename the .dol to boot.dol
-Place it in /apps/usbloader/
-Place also title.txt, config.txt and Images-Folder in /apps/usbloader/ (optional)

Examples for the .txt-Files:

QUOTE said:
RFNP = Wii Fit
RHAP = Wii Play
RSPP = Wii Sports
RMGP = Super Mario Galaxy


You can find them here:

Default background:
New background with buttonmapping for V7x:

To use this new background properly, add following lines to your config.txt:
psd of the new background can be found

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