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Hacking WBFSSync



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Project Description
WBFSSync is a program to organize, edit and synchronize Wii Game Backups on both PC and WBFS formatted storage devices. Using a clean and Explorer-like interface

More about WBFSSync

Windows explorer!!

The WBFSSync is a Free, Open-Source project created by me for learning purposes and because programming is a personal hobby, it's on the early stages of development so a few bugs may appear.
Fell free to use any part of the code on your applications, following the Microsoft Reciprocal License (see licence tab for the full license).

Current version
2.0.08 (Nov 27 2009)


.NET Framework 3.5

WBFSSync Features for current release:

* Explorer-like interface
* Customizable Skin and Language development
* Allow Copy / Cut / Paste / Delete files
* Allow Direct WBFS-WBFS transfer
* Game organizer for Wii Backups on PC
* Rename discs
* Manage multiple WBFS drives
* Automatically download covers or 3D covers from the internet
* Export covers to SD using customizable schemes for each Loader Homebrew installed on Wii
* RIP Backups to PC or WBFS drive from DVD (does not work with original discs)
* Allow disc scrubbing
* Support for Hermes' cISO format (via Console)
* Allow multiple file operations running at the same time
* Automatically detects new inserted drives and supress "Format Drive" window from Windows Explorer
* Format drives to WBFS
* Log all errors and exceptions allowing better bug-trace
* WBFS Library fully implemented in C# .NET Framework facilitating debug, and reducing the risk of memory leaks

* Avaliable Languages:
* FR
* ES

To Do:

* Fix some layout glitches



-Added Export covers to folder function
-Added Naming of Network-Mapped Drives
-Added Spanish language
-Changed Configuration menu to something more organized
-Fixed some typos in the Language files
-Fixed layout problem where "This folder is empty" message was over the configuration menu
-Fixed more minor layout problems...
-Fixed 'send to...' crashing when used with multiple files
-Fixed bug where Configuration Panel was forced to close when an operation ended
-Fixed error in Drive Format where the resultant size was smaller than it could be
-Fixed problem where the repeated Scrub files were not skipped when adding to a WBFS partition
-Update the Language files, see "Language-pack-base 2.0.08.txt"
*added language variable 177


-Added support to Hermes cISO format (WBI must be renamed) via Console only for recompression to SyncScrub and Extraction
-Added "Enter" key support when navigating in the explorer window
-Improved Error logging with native windows messages for native errors
-Improved Error loggin on WiiDisc class, avoiding application crash if the ISO is corrupted
-Changed the Cover Download Server to http://www.wiitdb.com/
-Changed maximum characters of name to 64
-Updated SyncScrub to 1.1, the 1.0 is still compatible, if the user wants he can enable auto Update to new scrub version.
-Fixed bug renaming SyncScrubs and ISOS on PC
-Fixed format error in SyncScrub 1.0 Renaming routines


-Added configuration for that allow disabling drives, A and B drives disabled by default, can be changed
-Added verification before loading the cover folder
-Removed Dev commands from the console
-Changed the layout for the "listgames" command in console
-Changed the display of the sizes to 2 decimal places
-Fixed the problem editing the loaders
-Fixed layout problem with cover mode, where the user could change the viewmode, now it's locked
-Fixed problem where the application crashed if an invalid Skin was selected, now the app will load the default
-Fixed problem detecting another instance of WBFSSync
-Update the Language files, see "Language-pack-base 2.0.06.txt"
*added language variable 170
*added language variable 171


-Fixed several bugs on Console application
-All codes will be upper-cased to recode (rename) a game


-Fixed bug where the program sometimes crash when pasting
-DevConsole.exe renamed to Console.exe
-Added partition selection for Iso Scrubber, can only be accessed from the configuration file
-Added configuration parameter for the Windows Format Drive Pop-Up
-Added configuration parameter for exclude drives from the program
-Added command lines in Console.exe for WBFS and Scrub related functions
-Added French language to pack


-Fixed bug when trying to add a disc from PC to Scrub or WBFS caused by a IIOContext not being Closed
-Fixed (at least i hope) bug where the first sector of the FS was overwritten when adding a disc, corrupting the partition
-Minor bug fixes
-Added updater using CodePlex SVN to host individual update files


-Full change on OperationManager, the original was confused and not ready for async
-Added a routine to WBFSDevice to calculate the exact size of a disc to be added to the wbfs partition
-Added a routine to ScrubDisc to calculate the exact size of a scrub of an iso
-Added US English language
-Fixed some disc routines in WBFSDevice


-Fixed a few bugs on Language routines
-Fixed bug formating devices
-Fixed discontinuity on values of enum WBFSRet
-Fixed "Division by Zero" Error
-Fixed PathBox not resizing with the window
-Removed GenerateConfigurationFile() from Skin code
-Updated configuration panel to include "Extract Scrubbed" feature
*added language variable 168, see "Language-pack-base 2.0.01.txt"
-Added WBFSDevice, ScrubDisc and IOManager Errors to the language pack, see "Language-pack-base 2.0.01.txt"
-Still-primitive-update-check-tag now moved to main project page, the old server does not exists anymore.
-Changed configuration to allow setting paths for Covers, Skins and Language (created for debug purposes, it does not have a entry on ConfigurationPanel)


Original alpha release


Donate via PayPal

While I enjoy working on this project, sometimes I lack resources to improve the program, like a HD with capacity close to those used normally by you, in the present time i only have a small 2GB pendrive and a 16GB virtual drive

Ôm?ga Frøst


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