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News AI, Please Leave Our Favorite Video Games Alone


AI is the flavor of the month in the tech world, with practically everybody in the consumer electronics industry trying to shoehorn the buzzword into their product or service.

We're also seeing AI infiltrate the world of game development, with companies like EA stating that it's a big part of their strategy.

Generative AI video software has also become incredibly popular, and we're now seeing it used as a means of "updating" classic video games.

Check out this example of Shenmue, run through "Gen-3 vid2vid":

Some people would have you believe this is the future of video games:

"If we manage to use the technology live in games without performance loss, that would be a huge step forward," argues @kimmonismus. "RayTracing could be used without major performance losses, graphics could be made as realistic as possible and wanted and the style could be customized as desired. GenAI will also be used extensively in the gaming industry in the very near future!"

We try to remain as balanced in our reporting as possible here on GameParadise, and it's clear that labelling all AI as bad is a massive overreaction to a technology which could be truly transformative. We're already using AI in our daily lives almost without knowing it, and it offers massive benefits to the worlds of medicine, science and beyond.

However, in the case of the two examples shown above, all we can ask is, please, will somebody make it stop.

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