At the moment, it is possible to edit textures, partially scripts and an executable file (there are restrictions on the size of the text)I added files for rePatch for those who want to try.
I wrote a lot of scripts to automate translations, now it is enough just to add the translation to the csv file (ex: github /miraspectum/PhotoKano-Kiss/blob/main/text/ID06602.csv), and after the assembly the game files will be updated. It would be cool if someone could translate these files! Also as an experiment made a script that uses Google Cloud Tanslation API. Unfortunately, there's only 500,000 characters per month for free.
Gthub repo: github /miraspectum/PhotoKano-Kiss
Patch files looks like so. Most of all dialogs already parsed with script, there need only translated text.
First columns its offset, second its max text length (if text length has more characters it will be cutted), third column its original text, other columns for translated text (en, ru, de)
Last news:
Using Argos translate, translated ~90% of dialogs. Translation quality is very bad, but you can try to catch the meaning =) Available languages: English, Russian and Deutsch
In git repo i added tutoria how to install patch. Unfortunately, i can`t post any links, because i`m new member
Finally, i can add links)
Next steps:
- Translate all graphics
- Manualy translate first day
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