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ROM Hack Huge Wind Waker ROM hack lets you play as a goose and terrorize the citizens of the Great Sea


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is a game that's only become more beloved over time. Being remastered for the Wii U in 2013, fans have eagerly awaited the game's release on the more accessible Switch. 11 years later those same fans are still waiting, some still holding off replaying this classic tale in hopes of keeping the experience fresh if and when Nintendo finally pull the trigger.

If you happen to find yourself in that niche lion-headed boat, it's time to set down your Wind Waker and turn your attention to something I frankly can't believe exists. "The Legend of Goose: The Honk Waker" is a colossal ROM hack more than four years in the making. Starting out as a simple mod to swap out Link's model for the GameCube game's randomizer, it soon expanded to something entirely its own, featuring custom text, objects, movement options, and more.

Along with the mod itself, creator BigSharkZ released a 25 minute showcase video that you can dive into to really get a feel for what's on offer. If you're interested in playing for yourself, the mod is available now and linked below.

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