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News Lies of P Sequel Jumping Straight to Elden Ring, Neowiz Seeks Open World Experience



Staff member

Lies of P emerged fully formed into a world full of Soulslikes and, even then, still managed to stand out. It should be no surprise that developer Neowiz is working on a sequel, as the game thankfully sold quite appreciably, too. Still, the studio looks like it will jump several stages on the FromSoftware evolutionary ladder, with the next game potentially going open world ala Elden Ring.

That's according to a job listing spotted by Tech4gamers (thanks, Insider Gaming), which calls for many things, among them "extensive experience playing open world games." In addition, the successful applicant would need to be familiar with "action creation, tool development, mini-game development and [have] open world experience."

Information is quite sparse on the puppet sequel, although we know Neowiz will make the jump to Unreal Engine 5, which is nice. We also got some moody, atmospheric artwork depicting the direction the next game is headed, featuring a foundered ship in icy waters. Perhaps P will finally get to have his climactic encounter with the character's arch-enemy: the vicious, gigantic sperm whale known as Monstro!

Are you a fan of Lies of P? What, if anything, are you specifically hoping to see from the sequel? Tell no fibs in the comments section below.

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