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News OLED Switch Lite display kits to go on sale September 26th


The little brother to Nintendo's flagship hardware, the Switch Lite released in 2019 to positive reviews. With all the power of the full-sized console at a lower cost, along with integrated controls and a traditional D-Pad, the system positioned itself as a perfect fit for those wanting to travel light. This portability came at a price though, with the system unable to dock for a full console experience. Nintendo went onto release the OLED Switch two years later, leaving some fans of the smaller form factor hoping their system of choice might be graced with such an upgrade. No such revision came, but fans of the Lite may yet be in luck.

Teased earlier this year by YouTuber Taki Udon, SUPER5 is an OLED display kit for the Switch Lite. Starting at just $49.99 for those of you not needing touch input, it promises to deliver on a simple to install OLED display for the portable system, with peak brightness, sRGB coverage, and contrast ratio set to beat out the official Switch OLED. This alone would be noteworthy, but for those happy to spend a little extra, 1080p HDMI output is also on the cards.

You can find the full list of available kits below:
Each of the upgrade kits are set to go on sale September 26th at 10am Hong Kong time. Promo coupons will be available for the first two days to reduce the price by $5 to $10, though there's no word on exactly how many kits will be available. An installation guide will also go live later this week to assist potential buyers.

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