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Homebrew Poke Transporter GB lets you transport your classic Pokemon to modern games


Poke Transporter GB is a homebrew app for the GBA that serves to bridge the gap between the old and new games, providing a way to pull Pokemon from the Game Boy and Game Boy Color titles into the third generation. This is done using a custom Multiboot GBA ROM that genuinely could be mistaken for official software for just how professional and polished the final version actually is. With the ROM loaded on one system, you insert the GBA game you want the Pokemon to travel to. On another system, you put the Pokemon you want to transport into your current box, and talk to the Cable Club attendant to initialize a trade. It's here where the magic really happens, with work behind the scenes happening to remove the Pokemon entirely from their original games. That's not where it ends though, with a custom event being injected into your GBA cartridge to redeem these Pokemon. You can see the full process in action below:

Pokemon transferred in this way are modified in order to be legal in future games, though there are some quirks that mean they won't be considered legal until they arrive in a certain generation. You can find a table detailing this here. For those interested in how it works, the creator also put together a video discussing the development process and exactly what's happening behind the curtain.

The application has had beta releases since December of last year, and got its 1.0.0 release just last week. If you're interested in trying it for yourself, you can find the GitHub repo linked below.

:arrow: Poke Transporter GB GitHub

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