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Emulation RPCS3 Issues Warning About PS3 "Scam" Emulators For Mobile


In a statement posted to Twitter earlier this week, the creators of the popular PS3 emulator RPCS3 issued a warning to players about several "scam" PS3 emulators that have started to appear online for mobile devices.

Speaking to its followers on the social media site, RPCS3's creators reminded people that its emulator "is NOT natively available for Android or iOS and that we will NOT be porting it to these platforms" before warning people to "stay vigilant!". It also claimed that "any footage you see is either completely fake, recorded on a real console or through RPCS3 itself, and branded as something else".

In the set of messages, the RPCS3 creators don't exactly specify what emulators they are referring to here, but it's pretty easy to guess if you've been hooked into Reddit and YouTube recently, where a new emulator called Andstation 3 is currently discussed.

The individuals behind Andstation 3 are claiming on its website to be "the first PS3 emulator for Android". However, it is not native emulation at all, but instead, FEX-emu running RPCS3 PC, through termux-proot — so essentially, an emulator inside another emulator and not exactly the best recipe for performance.

To add another red flag to the pile, we've found almost no footage of this emulator in action, with the only videos we've seen so far credited to it being either installation videos or incredibly choppy gameplay of the PS3 port of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

Basically, if it sounds too good to be true, it's probably too good to be true.

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