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Steam 'Utopia Must Fall' Is A Stylish Vector-Based Shooter Inspired By Missile Command


Utopia Must Fall — a stylish new vector-based shoot em' up from the developer Pixeljam Games — launched on Steam Early Access a few days ago and it is well worth checking out if you have a fondness for arcade classics like Missile Command, Asteroids, and Space Invaders.

The game sees players put in control of the defense of humanity's last surviving metropolis which is under threat from mysterious alien forces (as well as other miscellaneous bits of space debris).

Armed with a railgun, and a small stockpile of nukes, your job is to protect the city from incoming collisions in order to fight another day, with the option being offered between waves to pick from a series of upgrades to better prepare for the next assault.


From what we've seen so far, these upgrades include, among other things, the option to enhance your shields, your railgun, the types of missiles you're stockpiling, and your auto-defense capabilities. You can also choose to create various facilities that will help research new technology and increase the production of your nuclear arsenal, or pick from humourous citizen proposals (like throw a party or cryogenically freeze all celebrities) that reroll your available options and give a brief insight into life in the city.

Already the game is a ton of fun to play, and according to its developer, there are a lot of incredible features that will be coming to it over the next 6-12 months while it is in Early Access. This includes online/local leaderboards and controller support, as well as more upgrade choices, enemy types, and an expanded soundtrack.

If this sounds like something you'd be into, you can pick it up now from Steam for just £4.49.


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